Looking Back Thus Far...

8:11:00 PM

My face at the beginning of "The Community Made of Us"

          So, after quitting my job, selling most of my belongings, and traveling the U.S. for  a month and a half. I have finally made it back to my family in Orlando. Driving over nine thousand miles, eating anything from raw sweet potatoes to amazing home cooked meals, and even sleeping in the freezing cold to having an apartment to myself a block from the beach, I have no words to sum up such an experience, what I felt, who I met, and how in the heck I made those long hour drives without going crazy (haha). This project I call," The Community Made of Us" is not just about me and my journey, but rather the people that I met along the way. 

My mother and I riding the sun rail for the first time in Orlando, FL

Hanging with my new friend Isaiah on Highway 1 on California's coast

Hanging out with the spanish fruit gang in Charleston, SC

The tiny sober dinosaur from L.A.

          From the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean and every lake in between I found myself in a different situation ever time. Looking back at the beginning of this trip, I remember thinking what people would think when I told them what I've done. What would I do after I finish the trip? Will "The Community Made of Us" really become something greater? Would this idea of community even catch on? And yet I never thought I would receive the support that I have thus far. People that I never expected to hear from have told me how inspired they've become, how the look at ideas like this and appreciate what they mean. Still, I couldn't help but to feel odd when I arrived back home in Orlando.  After such an amazing trip, I was back to reality, and responsibility, but that wasn't the issue. 

Hanging out with Ru, Ivan, and Bar in Savannah after I just met them earlier in Savannah, GA

Marley's Collie live at Tanquray's in Downtown Orlando, FL

Hanging with my friend Kelly on International Drive in Orlando, FL

Having a little seat in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA

          I arrived home to with a feeling of sadness and anxiety. First off is how I can get back to my normal routine and to the security that I once held so high on my life's pedestal? After about a week of aimlessly wandering and emotionally playing a tug of war inside, I reminded myself of the reason I made this journey in the first place. To create the connections with people that I would have otherwise never have done before. To help make a difference in others lives and show them that our desires and what we can achieve is as possible as they can imagine it. That when you are unhappy at what your doing, make the plan to get yourself on the right path, and execute it. After I realized this, I soon felt the sadness within me, turn into my passion, and thus creating an emotional alchemy within myself.

 Hanging with my best friend Valentina, and her little sister Jenny in Charlotte, NC

Cool girl Emily and I making faces in Albuquerque, NM

Frisbee golfing at the park with some new friends in L.A.

Conner the Bear at the bar with Shawna dancing on the side in Nashville, TN

          So, now I find myself creating a basis for myself in order to continue this story of community. I can't help but to feel as though the memories I made can't be out done, but like I said before, this is only the beginning, and there's a whole world out there to see. So to give you a little taste of my experiences and some of the situations I found myself in with strangers, that became my friends, that later became part of this greater community, here are some of my favorite photos from along my trip. There is still much to tell, and as I settle in to make my next big leap, I am busy, editing my first film project, planning for my next adventure, and looking for the best moment to take that leap of faith once more. Thank you again and hope to see you around, wherever you are...

Ornella, a Peruvian from NJ, and Kenny, a Peruvian from NJ hanging out at Little Hong Kong in Arlington, TX

Goofing around with Callie in Phoenix, AZ

Somewhere in the Middle of Arkansas lol

Children that I sold some candy with in East L.A., CA

My friend Amanda riding a hog in downtown Asheville, NC


         Stay tuned to check out more posts as I continue my adventures, and check out the trailers to the small film I am making below. Use the hashtag #MadeOfUs, repost the video on your pages, and remember, it doesn't take much to be part of The Community, when someone helps you, make sure you pass it on.

Follow and support, "The Community Made of Us" here:

Twitter:     @TCMadeOfUs

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