Tucson, AZ - Albuquerque, NM - Oklahoma City, OK

8:49:00 PM


          So I left the beautiful San Diego, and anyone that has ever been there would be asking, what else could you possibly want to see? What other beautiful things can I run into on the road back to the east coast? Well, there is plenty my friends, and I decided to put it all into one post. You see, there are many routes to get back to the east side, and what better route to take than one that you have never taken before. I decided to see three cities that I have never set foot in. They each have their own things to see and try, so why not make a trip, out of the trip! Onward Kenny!

Meet my host, Lenox

and another couch surfer named Bill

My car gets an oil change!

          It began in Tucson, AZ where I had the pleasure of staying with Lenox, her roommate, and a fellow couch surfer named Bill. Now, unfortunately time did not allow Lenox and I to hang out much, and her roommate had class early, but I had the pleasure of hanging with Bill. We took a stroll on 4th Street through downtown Tuscon and found a cool little coffee shop. To my surprise, the shop had a very New Orleans feel with open back patio equipped with a stage and tons of seating. I ordered a pastrami tomato panini with Peruvian blend coffee, and the chatting began. Bill is traveling from Alberta, Canada and hitchhiking across America and he began his Journey in Tuscon. Here, he met Lenox and her roommate where they allowed him to stay for a few days. He has been on the move since arriving, checking out the mountains, caverns, and night life. All of which leads to him heading east and eventually back to Canada. In the mean time he has been posting his adventures on his Facebook and definitely a great read. Good luck on your adventures Bill and thank you for your hospitality Lenox! I also had a chance to get a much needed oil change done at the local "Grease Monkey" and went on my merry way.

Meet my host Emily!

Tractor riding at Tractor Brewing Co.

Late night meal at "The Last Call"

If you don't recognize this house, your not cool. (Breaking Bad)

          My next stop was Albuquerque, NM where I met a super cool girl named Emily. She moved back with her family a few years back thinking it would be temporary, until she found herself getting an apartment and a great job. She has traveled all over the world and seen things that many people would dream of, and when I met her, I can tell she was up to something. She is a very lively person, even when she is half asleep she is a very genuine, honest, and all around fun person to be around. From her quirky comebacks to her constant dancing and funny faces, it was never a dull moment with her. It only got better when I was able to meet her friends while we visited The Copper Lounge, The Tractor Brewing Co, and a late night restaurant called, "The Last Call" in downtown Albuquerque. Partnered with beers, tacos and frozen yogurt, we had our fair share of laughs, conversation, and tractor riding. Once we were full and tired from exploring/eating/drinking, we found ourselves back at her place to what I can only describe as one of the most in depth conversations I've had on this trip. She showed me her huge map and her plans on how she is planning to travel all over the world for a year. I must say, it was as surprising as it was inspirational. I have my own story revolving this trip, and to imagine leaving everything behind to travel the world, that is brave. With her personality, charisma, and wit, I have no doubt in my mind that she will make it happen. Good luck Emily, I will be sure to keep in contact!

Cadillac Ranch in Texas

Meet my host Jordan!

 The lighthouse overlooking Lake Heffner

          I began on my long trek to Oklahoma and along the way, I came across a hidden gem that most know as "Cadillac Ranch" in Amarillo, Texas. At first look, it would look a bit weird and random, but I saw it for what it was, a statement of artistic value and sentiment. I took some time to admire the beauty in the 20 degree weather and even climb the ice cold edges of each monument of art. I must say it was a sight to see and to remember.

          Next, I found myself in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! I didn't know what I would find in such a foreign land (haha). The only thing I knew about OKC was that the Thunder played there and that its the biggest city in Oklahoma. I must admit, all I know about Oklahoma, is that they made a play out of it some time ago, but little did I know I would find such beauty in the middle of the United States, and meet someone so artistic. I met Jordan through couch surfing as I searched for a host last minute. She responded quickly and offered her home for me to stay on the blistering cold OKC night. As we hung out, she introduced me to a ton of vegan recipes and smoothie mixes, and all I had to offer was my corny jokes and my cool hammock. We spent most of the night trying to do handstands, watching comedy on Netflix, and chatting about her art. She was so creative and oddly enough she didn't give herself the credit that she deserves. She definitely put the idea of art in a different perspective to me, and even with all her shyness, she opened up to me in the two days we hung out and it was apparent in the interview I conducted. In the end, all I can say is thank you, and I know that I always have a friend in Oklahoma, see you around Jordan!

           Next stop I find myself driving to back to Arlington to visit my favorite group of Texans. Check out the trailers to the documentary I am making below. Use the hashtag #TheCommunityMadeOfUs, repost the video on your pages, and remember, it doesn't take much to be part of The Community, and when someone helps you, make sure you pass it on.

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