San Diego, California

10:20:00 PM

          Oh San Diego, how you tease me with your beauty and rebellious nature. I can honestly say you set the tone for paradise and explorer allure with your enchanting views and eclectic inhabitants. What a place to see in your lifetime, there are so many "favorite spots" in such an small area in comparison to the whole of California that it would take a year to visit them all. Where do I begin with such a statement of natural and architectural beauty? Do I start from the edge of Sunset Cliff, or perhaps at the one of the many hiking trails around the city? Or maybe one of the most important places along my trip, my brothers house.

Cool pic of some birds flying a the beach

My brother Mike, sis in law Claire, and I at Balboa Park

           I have been to San Diego before to visit my oldest brother Victor but it was at younger times and lets just say my view on the world was not as developed as now. From what I remember, people were very active in their day to day life, runners everywhere, beach crusier bikes criss-crossing the streets, and dogs following on the leash. It was a very active and alive city with weather that Florida, unfortunately can't touch. I arrived at night to my brother Michael and his awesome Fiance, Claire's, cool apartment that overlooks an awesome view. After I had settled in, my brother offered to take me out, and if you every find time to enjoy the night life of San Diego, check out the Gas Lamp district, you won't be disappointed.

My brother Mike and I at Whisky Girl in the Gas Lamp District

Cool mariachi remix on the street

I found an Olivia Wilde look a like!

          All in all, my brother an I had a great time bar hopping all over. As he stood at the bars talking his military talk I enjoyed live music, teaching salsa/bachata to the locals, meeting a girl that looked like Olivia Munn, and listening to mariachi remixes to some classics. Oh what a night as we stumbled back into his apartment late that night, and this was just the beginning. The next morning we woke up early and decided we should all go on a hike in one of San Diego's beautiful trails, so how can I say no to that, also, it's such a good way to hydrate. We arrived in Torrey Pines National Reserve and boy was that a sight for sore eyes. With its vast beach front beginning, to its steep hills, and ending at some of the most beautiful cliff like bridges with a beautiful views, it was definately a beautiful feeling to enjoy with my brother and sis, and my sisters friend lol. Lunch was shortly after, and I have not been to such a city that offered so many healthy options in such a small area. No wonder why everyone here is pretty fit lol.

My brother, his fiancé, her friend and I on beautiful hike.

A view of the beauty of San Diego

            The next morning I was able to hang out with some of the people I met the first night I was in town and they decided to take me to Ocean Beach. We walked down the coastline and just relaxed all day. There was no dull moment as people ran past singing embarrassing songs, the noise of the ocean in the distance and a plethora of coffee and outdoor seating along the boardwalk. It all lead up to meeting an awesome fellow traveler on the Crystal Pier Hotel and she definitely, definitely has a cool thing going on.

Artistic photo featuring Kellee from KelleeSetGo

Interviewing Kellee

          Her name was Kellee and she has earned many hats on her journey in life, a pilot, scuba diver, world traveler and an ultimate adrenaline junkie. I met her when she walked into my photos and turns out it came out pretty good. She was equipped a cool looking penny board, her cell, her friend, and an awesome attitude. She's traveled to 30 countries thus far, including parts of North and West Africa, Asia, South and Central America, Europe and the UAE. She has trekked Volcanos, zip lined in Mayan jungles, and scuba dove in Greece, Thailand, Israel and the Dominican Republic. Although our journeys are different, I was able to learn a lot about travel from her experiences and videos on her site. Take a moment to check it out by clicking here. She is definitely an inspiration of mine and I hope I get to run into her again, thanks again for the words of wisdom Kellee and good luck!

"Look a the snail, right there!"

Museum of Man

Every see a public wedding in action? She said, she did (haha)

Awesome Street performer named Chris with his song, "I am my own grandpa"

Hodads memorial for its late owner, Mike Hardin

Bar and I goofing around

          The next day I was able to check out Balboa Park with my brother and sis-in law. There were characters left and right and no shortage of things to see. From the cathedrals and rose gardens, to live music and weddings, this park had it all. I didn't think there would be much else that can keep me awestruck in such a short amount of time but I was wrong. Even the fresh squeezed lemonade was AMAZING. With such an awesome day and awesome time hanging with my bro and sis, I didn't know how my San Diego adventure would be so great or that it would turn out the way it did, but the next day it just got that much crazier. Remember my friend Bar from Savannah, Georgia, the one I sang karaoke with at a bar (haha)? Well, turns out we ran into each other in a famous restaurant named Hodads in San Diego. What a small world! We hung out and ate some of the most delicious burgers we have ever had. We hung out for a bit and checked out the beach as well as the shrine they made for their late owner. It was an adventure and I don't know what I will see that will out due such an awesome adventure, but until then, I am on the road again.

The beautiful view of Sunset Cliffs

        Next stop I find myself driving to Tuscon, Albequrque, and Oklahoma City and meeting some cool people along the way. Check out the trailers to the documentary I am making below. Use the hashtag #TheCommunityMadeOfUs, repost the video on your pages, and remember, it doesn't take much to be part of The Community, and when someone helps you, make sure you pass it on.

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