Los Angeles, California

10:56:00 AM


          Well well well, here I find myself in the City Of Angels, what a place this is. I was first met by, what everyone in L.A. knows about, the smog. It is a blanket of thick covering that hides the treasure that Los Angeles offers. It was definately an experience to see how people lived in such a crowded city, but definitely not a pleasant one if your stuck in traffic...like I had the pleasure of being...for an hour in a half...to go 7 miles (yeahhhh...) Besides that, I had the pleasure of staying with 3 different people on my total of 4 days there and I have never had such an action packed adventure, nor expected to meet such great people along the way. I was able to meet a long time local, an old friend, a family member, an inspiring director, drag comedian, TV host, someone I met across the country a few days earlier and someone who just moved there from another country just to name a few. It all started with a last minute request to stay with a gem amongst the rubble, and her name was Hadass.

A photo of Hadass and her partner on their front porch

Hadass' cool looking home on one of the many L.A. mountains

          Hadass moved to the United States a few months back from Israel for an education here as well as for love. She took me in last minute due to my host canceling on me, and boy was I glad it was her. I arrived at her place up in one of the many winding roads up Los Angeles many mountains. She invited me in with nothing less than a smile and instantly whipped up some yummy things to snack on. As I spoke to her I can instantly feel the appreciation she had for the project and what community meant to her. It was a huge eye opener to listen to her story from back home as she has seen and done so many things while still being so young. She had life in her eyes, she shared her passions, her experiences and her thoughts with me as if we've known one another for years. It was a very enlightening feeling to meet someone like her and I was lucky enough to have recorded our conversations. Even after I left she continued to write me to make sure I was ok and never hesitated to let me know that I had a place to stay in case anything were to happen. Thank you Hadass, you are a very special person.

The children posing for a photo 

Miranda, Ling, and I close to the top of the Griffith Hiking Trail

My dear friend Sandy trying to do a pull up on a statue (haha)

          The next day I had the pleasure to explore the city on bike and on foot. I started by biking through different cities to get some awesome views of the city, from some high peaks, to the inner city. I was even able to meet some local elementary kids in East LA selling candy for an upcoming field trip. I naturally bought a few and joined in on the venture by selling three more with them to some locals. They took particular interest in my GoPro and camera, where I was able to get some great photos of them, they were super cute. Later, I had checked out the Griffith Observatory where I ended up climbing one of the highest peaks with two community members I just met while climbing, Miranda and Ling. I must say, this was an amazing experience and a very tiring one at that as we helped each other up the steep shortcuts to the top. There is nothing like seeing something for the first time with people you just met, it was definitely something I never felt before. After a great day, I had the opportunity to reunite with an old friend named, Sandy. We went to high school together and have been chatting for quite sometime. Of course I come into town and she decided to take her to the gym to show her some cool workouts (lol, I am so out of shape from so much driving) and later she took me out for an AMAZING chicken sandwich just before parting ways (it was awesome to see you Sandy!) 

My cousin Ralphy and I on the Santa Monica Pier

One of the coolest girls ever, Carla

          I spent the night with another host named Carla, an amazing artist that lived just outside the city, along with her sis Gabby and her boyfriend Tim. I arrived very late to her place and she was still very accommodating to me, not to mention her couch was super comfy. The next day she was so nice she invited me to a family get together that night, I was surprised that she would invite someone she just met to such a personal festivity but if she felt anyway similar to the same way I felt, it was like we've known each other for so long, so it was was my pleasure to accept. So I decided to spend the day with my cousin Ralphy C. A.K.A.- Raphael Antonio (an aspiring neo-soul music artist) at the Santa Monica Pier where we enjoyed some awesome rides, great views, beautiful weather, and met some interesting characters. We just sat back and people watched and laughed...alot, but that's the kind of relationship me and him have always had. We are the only two cousins around the same age so it was always me and him hanging out and I must admit when we are together, there is never a dull moment, love ya cuz! So after an amazing day at the pier, it was time to head back and get ready for the festivities. After 1 1/2 hours of traffic, I made it back to Carla's place and we were on our way. We arrived and her family treated me like I was one of them, making sure my drink was always full, dancing, great laughs and some good conversation. I was fortunate enough to meet such a cool person out there and as the night ended, she reassured me that I always have a place with her there in L.A.

Our tiny dino for the night

Some new friends with my favorite triplet, Shelby

          The next morning was the last full day I had in L.A. So I went with no expectation of who I would meet next in this wild city. I spent most of my morning at a local coffee shop where I met some older Armenian gentleman that were interested in what I was filming, but didn't speak much english, talk about an interesting conversation (haha). Shortly after, I met a upcoming film director while she was working on her dissertation in the crowded coffee shop. I had the opportunity to chat with her and explore the ideas of film and her experiences with community. I must say, she definitely has passion in what she does. Fast forward to the night, I received an message from Shelby, one of the triplets I referenced and met in my Nashville post. She was in L.A. the same time as me and wanted to hang out (I couldn't say no to that smile). Long story short, her friends and her, took me in and showed me an awesome time the last night there. I met so many people in a short amount of time that night, but each one of them were all about having a great time! My cousin and had a bit of hiccup  late that night but once that was out of the way, the night continued to be one of the best during this whole trip. Thanks again Shelby, I look forward to seeing you guys again in Nashville! 

      Next stop I find myself in beautiful San Diego and I get to hang with my brother and sister-in-law around the city. Check out the trailers to the documentary I am making below. Use the hashtag #TheCommunityMadeOfUs, repost the video on your pages, and remember, it doesn't take much to be part of The Community, and when someone helps you, make sure you pass it on.

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