Arlington, Texas

11:19:00 AM

           Texas, Texas, Texas... oh how large and plentiful you are. I have never been before, and quite frankly I didn't know what to expect. Driving into the city, my first impression was, where does it end? I mean Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Arlington are like one huge city. I mean damn, I know everything is bigger in Texas but it's like they built one big city and gave it 3 different names (haha). Complete with a six flags, street art, a few views worthy of a broken neck, and some delicious food, I'm already thinking of moving there, and I haven't even gotten to my destination yet. Little did I know this feeling would only multiply when I met, who I like to call, the "Texas Welcoming Committee."

Meet Anwar, Ornella, Anna, and Steven
          It all starts with Ornella, a Texan I met on couch surfing on my search for hosts. She caught my attention because she was Peruvian and from New Jersey, just like me. So naturally, I sent her a message and she was happy to take me in. As I pulled up to her place, I was excited to see who I would meet being this was my first time in Texas. I knocked on the door and to my surprise, her roommate Anwar acted like she didn't know anything about my arrival. I was confused and unsure of what to do, until she started laughing and said "come on in!" It was at this point, I knew I was going to have an awesome time. We immediately sat down, and started chatting around a few cups of tea. I met the third roommate, Joe and their friend Anna, which were all about some good jokes. Shortly after, Ornella walks in with her great dane named Marble and greeted me with a huge smile and huge. We talked about life in Texas, the Rodeo, drinks, amongst other adult topics. Shortly after stumbling on the topic of alcohol, we naturally decided we should go out, and that was only the beginning.

Anna and Anwar showing their faces natural state

       They decided to take me to a local watering hole in downtown, and the story unravels from there. We first agreed that it won't be a crazy night (yea, that's never the case). We went on to innocently play some connect 4, then jumbo Jenga (I lost), watched some karaoke, then I get my behind handed to me in foosball by Ornella, oh yea, and sprinkle some beers, shots, and drinks in between. At some point in the night we decided to head to the "Fort Worth Stock Yards," which is basically very old western buildings turned into bars, you know, the way it should be (haha). It was an awesome saloon feeling and we bar hopped to a few places, enjoyed some live music, (shots) and they even showed me how to two step, Texas style.

The took me to the Fort Worth Stock Yard

        Eventually, we get back to the car, decide to cruise a little, and all join in to what I like to think of as a synchronized, heavenly choir as we sang some songs on the radio. Don't believe me? Think of a car full of responsible adults singing out loud after a night of bar hopping, yep, that was us. We eventually get home and enjoy some homemade fresh hummus, veggies, and funny enough, tater tots (who doesn't love some good tots, right?) We all hung for a bit but we slowly dropped like flies. Unfortunately everyone either had class or work the next morning but they offered their kitchen and their home to me and I was able to stay as long as I liked.

        I must say, the whole time we hung out I kept thinking of, "So a Texan, Mexican, Palestinian, and 2 Peruvians walk into a bar" but I couldn't find a way to finish the joke, so I'll finish it as it should be, "and they left as a group of friends." Hanging with this group of people helped me realize the importance of "The Community: Made of Us." They all met each other in different ways, all come from different backgrounds, and found comfort in one another. They took a perfect stranger in, immersed me in their world, and showed me the value of a great laugh. Thanks guys! See you soon!

Great times!

        Next stop will be Rosewell, New Mexico. Check out the trailer to the video I am making below. Use the hashtag #TheCommunityMadeOfUs, repost the video on your pages, and remember, it doesn't take much to be part of The Community, and when someone helps you, make sure you pass it on.

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1 comment:

Edith De La Flor said...

Wow, I wish I can be there with you!

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