The Kid From Yesterday. The Thought Of Tomorrow.

3:42:00 PM

         So, before we get into the meat and potatoes of this post, I wanted to admit something to you all. Since beginning this attempt to write my thoughts on the world wide web, I had to really think if putting myself out in the open was a smart idea. I mean, every letter that I press is a show of my penchant for free-will and against my inclination of buffers in social settings. I am making a case of my sole opinions and only hand my ideas over as a method to fuel the small flame within all of us, if any. My hesitations laid with the thought of the worlds predispositions of stereotypes or mainstream ways of thinking. What if I say the wrong thing, or forget to censor my thoughts and it's taken the wrong way. I mean, we are so quick to judge one another, like the single mother in her late teens, or a person that enjoys a hit from time to time, or even the beautiful girl that is sitting across from you at the coffee shop. It's the way we are brought up. In fact, in psychology, stereotypes are the way we generalize groups of people to prepare ourselves in case we find ourselves in similar situations from the past. Still, I think that taking time to write these thoughts, make them real and creates some kind of purpose to it all, rather than just an opinion I am throwing at you, it's a seed that is planted, whether you water it or let if dry up is up to you. Now, on to the yummy stuff!

The Past. 

(I will explain the photo at the end)

          Such a statement, such a testament to our finite existence, such a predictor of what lies ahead of us, or is it? What is it about our pasts that plagues our futures. We are so defined from yesterday that we forget what today really means. Think of it like your trying to save money. If you splurge and max out your credit cards, then you will spend all of your income trying to pay off your debts. Leaving no excess income to enjoy today or life tomorrow. Unless you dedicate yourself, you will never get out of debt neglecting you from achieving what you really want. Or think of it as if you go hard at the gym then go home to eat pizza, what have your really gained but soreness, heartburn, and a waste of time? The point that I am making is that, if you don't focus on the results of today, then tomorrows finished product will never be. If we keep focusing on yesterdays results, then you lose focus of what you can do today and how it will effect you tomorrow. 

           We all come from different walks of life. Even some of your closest family members have completely different views from one another. Our minds are just as unique as the stars in the sky, although many, no two are the same. Yet, we forget what brought us here. What have I learned from the struggles that I have lived through? I like to think of 3 distinct movies, which I must admit, I will never get tired of watching. Gladiator, Braveheart, and Lord of the Rings. All of these characters were defined by something in their past, we see the development of their passions, hardships, and struggles to never give up but what happens after such a journey? Unfortunately, in all three movies, the main characters die, but in real life, these struggles and journeys happen much more often than we think. 

          So does that mean that after all of our life struggles, we die a little inside? Do we define ourselves by all the hardships that we have gone through? Or do we realize that our pasts are just what we leave behind? Or that in reality, what we decide our futures will be, is what truly defines us today. Whether you want to become a doctor, or lose that 20 pounds, or just make enough cash to buy your special someone that one gift that warrants a smile so big, you get lost in the beauty of their bliss. Whatever the reason, our past shouldn't define us, it should remind us of our future, and what goal we've set for ourselves. So looking back at the photo at the top of this post, I don't see the hardships that I went through or the bad decisions that surrounded my life in the years to come after that photo, I just see that moment, and how I had no idea what the future held, only that I looked forward to going to school every day after that first day. Granted I was young and had no worries in the world, but again, that thought is a product of the hardships in my past up to this point, not what I truly felt about my future from the moment in the photo, understand? 

Food For Thought: Expand Your Mental Pallet.

We all have ambitions in life, things that we hoped to become, I remember I wanted to be an astronaut growing up, but we all have the roads we took instead. Yet, I can't help to wonder if that road was really the right one and I'm just stuck on the detour. Is it still even visible if I looked for it or has it been lost in the fog of my memories? We all know that life isn't predetermined, we are all just animals trying to make sense of it all, but since we are here, shouldn't we make something of a point as to why we are here? I get tired of hearing, "It's never too late" because if someone is telling you that, then it means that your taking to long to make it happen. Find out what your true ambitions are and go after them before next time you hear the, "it's not too late" speech. Fin.


Unknown said...

Edith said...


Unknown said...

Your movies follow Joseph Campbell's monomyth The Hero's Journey.

Unknown said...

Are you implying that we should reinforce our beliefs that we are all hero's in our lives ongoing journeys?

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