Dreaming of what may be, maybe all a dream.

7:24:00 PM


            A single word that can mean so much. To dream is as if to realize you are alive, like seeing or feeling something for the first time, to believe in the truth of self and realize that anything is possible. It can also create the illusion of impossibility, like what you want is just a dream, but what is a dream really? There are those dreams in which our fragile thoughts fall victim to in the warmth of our beds, there are those that keep the fire inside us believing anything is possible and we shall prevail, and there are those that plague us like a price on a string dangling in front of us.

            So whats the difference? Should we not be allowed the privilege to think beyond the limits of our surroundings? I mean, think of all those that made a difference in the way we think, did they not take the chance? Now, before I get all philosophical, allow me to digress and delve into the story of now, of you and I, or us. Of a dream I have from time to time. This dream is never identical to the last, the details change, the people change, but the feeling I get when I wake up is always the same.

            I am walking down the left side of the road on the edges of what looks like a farm. It's a bright cool day and theres a tree with leaves holding on so tightly as if not wanting to fall away. In the distance I hear a car making its way towards me and with every second thereafter I become anxious. I become fearful of the noise behind me and begin trying to run from it until it eventually catches up and passes me. I can't tell what kind of car it is, or who exactly is driving but it is always a girl. There are always  passengers, from what i've written, its been family, friends, past lovers, and people that I don't know. And every time I see it, begin sobbing and running after it like I can't let it leave without me. I begin feeling like they are counting on me to reach them. Then I trip and they're gone when I look up, or I just wake up, or I almost make it and they drive off like i'm too late. Now, it doesn't always happen like that, something new always happens, but from what I've written down, they all have their similarities.

            I don't know what it all means exactly but I when I think of what motivates me, I think of that car, and no matter how scared I am, how alone, or helpless I can be there's something that keeps me going towards it. It was only until today that I wanted to write about this dream of mine because of a video I stumbled across. Now I don't have a name for it, I don't know who made it, nor do I know why it was made, but its the thought is simple, "Maybe" It is all about one question, one statement or idea, "Maybe." An idea that can scare the hell out of us, but can also create some of the most amazing moments in our lives. I felt like it was appropriate to include it in this post because like all dreams, we are uncertain what they mean or if we can even reach them, or maybe... it was all a dream.

Food for thought: Expand your mental pallet.

         Take a moment and allow yourself to dream, whatever that may mean to you.  Give your mind a rest from the digital shackles you impose on yourself. Close your eyes, listen to your heart beat and your mind breathe from running a million miles a minute. You can never really know who you are until you're truly alone and I don't mean sitting in public or in your room but in a place where you don't often go, inside. Think deeply of who you are, what is it that you are really wanting in life. What makes you happy? Why are you here? Don't be afraid to ask and don't be afraid to dream, but remember what a dream means to you, and you alone. 

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